MoodleMoot with Moodle founder and CEO Martin Dougiamas
At MoodleMoot Africa last week October 2018, with Moodle founder and CEO Martin Dougiamas.
At MoodleMoot Africa last week October 2018, with Moodle founder and CEO Martin Dougiamas.
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Prof. Daniel Kahneman – the father of behavioral economics, Nobel Prize winner and author of the book Thinking fast and slow
At a presentation of Prof. Michael Schrage at Big Think in New York, with Victoria Brown, co-founder and CEO of Big Think.
Prof. Narayandas at the Harvard Business School. He is also the Senior Associate Dean of Harvard Business Publishing
Dr. Bertie du Plessis (CLO of Naspers), Prof. Bharat Anand (Harvard Businesses School), Prof. Felix Oberholzer (Harvard Business School), and Dr. Kosie de Villiers (Enterprise Dynamics)
Onderpapegaaiberg, Stellenbosch, South Africa
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