
Welcome to our new website!

Enterprise Dynamics has launched its new website in 2017, and welcomes you to peruse it and contact us if you need any assistance with strategy, marketing or e-learning. The biggest project we are working on at the moment is to recruit 1,000 learners onto our special supported Harvard ManageMentor program for SME companies and their staff.  Please download the enrollment form from the home page of our website, email it to us with the names of your learners, and we will do the rest. Or tell your SME colleagues about it.  It is an incredible offer for access to 41 of the best online course in the world for a whole year, at a cost of only R12,850  (ex VAT) per employee for a full year! Share in the immense reservoir of knowledge of Harvard. Above is Martin Reeves from the Boston Consulting Group delivering a lecture at Harvard in Boston.

Best wishes!

Kosie de Villiers